• 2200 Eureka Way | Redding, CA 96001
  • (530)245-2790
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Admissions Process

December 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024

The application process for the 2024-25 academic year starts on December 1, 2023 and is divided into three phases.

First Application Period

First Application Period: December 1, 2023 -- January 31, 2024. Applications for the 2024-25 school year will be available online (www.uprep.net) on December 1, 2023, and through the school App (U-Prep Panthers). Applications must be completed by January 31, 2024.

Admission Policy

  • Students will be considered for admission without regard to actual or perceived disability, gender,gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code or association with an individual who has any of the aforementioned characteristics.
  • University Preparatory School will actively recruit a diverse student population from families who understand and value the school’s mission and are committed to the school’s broad-based approach to a classical education.
  • Admission to the school is open to any 6 -12th grade student in Shasta County or adjacent counties who has completed the application process.
  • Parents must complete and sign an Application for Admission. Parents guarantee that the information represented in the Application for Admission is accurate.
  • The school will grant admission preference during the first application period to currently enrolled students who wish to return, siblings of admitted or attending students, children of school employees, and residents in the Shasta Union High School District boundaries.
  • The decision to readmit a pupil expelled from University Preparatory School or admit a previously expelled pupil from another public school shall be in the sole discretion of the Governing Board following a meeting with the Superintendent/Principal and the pupil and guardian or representative to determine whether the pupil has successfully completed the rehabilitation plan and to determine whether the pupil poses a threat to others or will be disruptive to the school environment. The Superintendent/Principal shall make a recommendation to the Governing Board following the meeting regarding his or her determination. The pupil’s admission is also contingent upon University Preparatory School’s capacity at the time the student seeks admission.

For more information, please visit About Us and U-Prep FAQs.

Lottery Process

If the number of applications exceeds the available spaces in one or more grades, attendance, except for existing pupils of the school and students with preferences shall be determined by a public, random drawing of all prospective students who have completed the application process.

All applicants who are exercising a preference must submit completed applications during the 1st Application Period which ends on January 31, 2024.

As permitted by state and federal charter law, University Preparatory School has adopted and maintained policies granting admission preference in the following order:

  1. Sibling(s) of admitted or attending student(s). Sibling preferences may not be exercised by student applicants who have previously attended U-Prep and subsequently transferred to another school.
  2. Children of the University Preparatory School employees
  3. Residents in the Shasta Union High School District boundaries
  4. Students who were in either the first or second lottery the previous year, and remained on the waiting list all year

All other qualified applicants who submit a completed application during the 1st Application Period are considered to be in the First Draw.

Current students, who have indicated that they are returning to U-Prep, keep their status as enrolled students. Applicants who have preferences and who submitted a completed application within the 1st Application Period are next to be enrolled. The remaining spaces are open to lottery. If the remaining spaces can accommodate all of the first draw applicants, they will be admitted on February 1, 2024. If First Draw applicants exceeded the number of available spaces, they are drawn before students who applied after the First Draw deadline (January 31, 2024).

February 1-29, 2024

Second Application Period

Second Application Period: February 1 -- February 29, 2024. During this application period, completed applications may be submitted through Thursday, February 29, 2024.

All applicants not accepted by February 1, 2024, are drawn randomly and assigned a number. If First Draw applicants exceeded the number of available spaces, they are drawn before students who applied after the First Draw deadline (January 31, 2024). All Second Draw applicants are then drawn and assigned a number. Students who are not enrolled are put on a waiting list based on their number; they will be called as spaces open. When notified about an available space, parents have two days to respond; if no response is received, the space will be forfeited and the student’s application will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list.

After February 29, 2024 ...

Open Application Period

Open Application Period: After the second application period, applications will continue to be accepted. Students who apply after February 29, 2024 will automatically be placed on a waiting list after students who were drawn during the lottery. Placement on this list is determined by the date the completed application is received.

Quick Stats on U-Prep

Number of Students




Junior High Students


High School Students


Athletic Teams


VAPA Courses


Sixth Grade Students


National Ranking


Contact U-Prep Admission Office
for Questions or A Guided Campus Tour

Sandy Lanzi


Welcome to U-Prep!!

(530)245-2793 slanzi@suhsd.net